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CA born, casino expert
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CA born, casino expert
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Ask any seasoned gamer who’d passed through LasVegas-How-To, and they’ll have a few tips to share that they gleaned from our team. We have a soft spot for mobile gaming platforms, particularly CA online gambling apps.
Because legitimate casino apps have a legal mandate to operate in different locations, we first took a look at the relevant legislature in California. Our team also took the opportunity to provide tips on how you can select the best casino app. As our editor is always keen to offer, you’ll find a perfect recommendation for where to play online casino games.
It’s now hard to imagine, only a few years ago online casino players were stuck with gaming on their desktop computers. Mobile internet wasn’t a thing yet, so you’d have to make do with a wired connection. Things have rapidly changed though. Your mobile device is now a complete console with access to loads of CA online casino apps.
Californians are fond of the sunny side of life. Not ones to be cooped up indoors, most players in the Golden State prefer to enjoy a full casino experience no matter where life takes them. That includes work commutes, doctor’s appointment waits, beach outings, and the like. We, therefore, took a look at mobile gaming apps and what options are available for online casinos in California. So, whether you’re a newbie or an expert gambler from the land of sunshine and love playing on the go, this article is for you.
California is a warm and beautiful state but when it comes to gaming, their legislation is still a bit frosty. In the early 1900s, gambling was outright banned in the state. Later on, in the 1990s, California legalized a few forms of gambling, such as lotteries, card rooms, and pari-mutuel. However online gambling remains prohibited and no operator can establish a casino from within California state lines.
It’s ironic, however, that there are more than 50 land-based casinos within the state of California. How? California has a wealth of native reserves which do not fall under the state’s jurisdiction. And almost every reserve has a casino. So, all you have to do is drive to your nearest reserve. But what if you would rather play online?
Of course, you will find several CA online gambling apps that will accept your bets. This does not mean that the outlets have the legal mandate to operate in California. Nonetheless, the California Gambling Control Commission can not regulate any offshore online casinos. There’s a grey area there because California residents who use such casinos cannot be prosecuted by the State. Offshore CA online gambling sites are based on some Islands, thousands of miles away and some of them are licensed in the jurisdictions that host them. Also, you can sign up and play online if you take a drive to any state where online casinos are now legal.
Since law enforcement agencies don’t seem to mind, most punters may deem offshore CA casino apps fair game. While this is true to some extent, if you’re defrauded by a particular site or treated unfairly, the California Gambling Control Commission can not intervene. So, when will this grey area be put in black and white? It’s hard to say but action groups have been putting forward proposals to legalize and regulate online casinos since 2012. The latest appeal in 2020 hit a brick wall.
Not all gambling sites are adequately equipped to meet varying customer needs. Because your gaming style and budget are unique, finding the best casino is not going to be simple. That’s even truer, considering the overwhelming number of casino sites that are being launched every year. It will take substantial research to identify the perfect online gaming platform.
No matter how great an online casino sounds in an advert or how colorful and illustrious its landing page looks, it may not have all the qualities. We analyzed numerous gambling platforms and CA online casino apps, paying attention to all the vital features and we came up with a single recommendation. PartyCasino. Not only does the site look good, but it’s also easy to use. PartyCasino also offers a great welcome bonus for new players and boasts over 600 games.
But, because of the grey area we mentioned earlier, we can not recommend this casino specifically for Californians. Do not get us wrong, PartyCasino is a legit and respectable gambling website with relevant licensing and everything. We surely hope that soon, the state will loosen the bolts and make way for online gambling. Then, PartyCasino would be the gaming hub of choice.
At present, CA casino apps are not regulated and it is controversial to play online in the state of California. Be that as it may, it’s worth noting the following tips. You may not be able to use these recommendations just yet, but keep your hopes up as the future looks promising for gambling legislation in California.
You may be wondering how we came up with all this information. Let’s get this out of the way—we do not just write stuff down and put it out there. Our team of experts does a little bit of digging first. Correction! A lot of digging. The team evaluates a set of benchmarks for individual sites. We analyze different CA online gambling apps and provide users with excellent insight. Here are some of the factors we look into.
The best casino sites almost always provide their customers with generous CA online casino bonus offers and special promotions for use on the long lists of online slots CA has to offer. Our experts also check the wagering requirements for fairness. This assures that customers get the best deals.
We also consider how intuitive and navigable a gaming website is before we can recommend it to users. This is especially important when we’re talking about CA online casino apps. We want to make sure you can play on the go without any trouble.
As a player, you will need to know that your cash is in good hands. We make sure that all the websites we endorse have safe payment methods that are fast and reliable. We also check information concerning deposit and withdrawal limits, payout periods, the refund policy, and if there are any extra transaction fees that the site charges.
Every player has unique preferences. So, while we may have recommended just one website, we feel you deserve a chance to experience online gaming on your own terms. We urge you to check out our elaborate collection of online casino reviews on LasVegas-How-To.com. But even after, you can look at the following features to find your perfect fit.
We have dozens of sites with strong live dealer game selections. And most of these sites also work perfectly on your mobile.
You’ll find casinos with comprehensive sportsbook sections.
Check out our reviews for the coolest, irresistible VIP programs and take advantage of that red carpet treatment.
If you’re always on the move, it makes sense for you to play on your mobile via HTML5 web apps and native CA online gambling apps. All you have to do is check out our mobile-friendly sites.
Although the state of California is home to more than 50 native reserve land-based casinos, residents still can’t play at local online casino platforms. Pressure groups have been filing proposals to reform gaming laws in the state since 2012. At the moment, you can find some CA online casino apps but these may not be legit or safe.
The California Gambling Control Commission does not have any regulations for offshore casino sites, which leaves a grey area for the residence. We cannot explicitly recommend any casino site for California due to this anomaly. We, however, urge you to keep checking LasVegas-How-To.com for updates on California gambling laws.